Sexual Violence Program
24-hour Medical Advocacy
We provide medical advocacy to assault victims, supporting them as they complete the initial emergency-room visit and evidence-collection kit. We assist them through follow-up medical visits and provide information on the Sexual Assault Emergency Treatment Act, sexually transmitted diseases, and evidence-collection procedures. We also provide referrals to health agencies for victims with additional needs.
Criminal Justice Advocacy
Legal Advocacy
Other Advocacy
Sexual Assault Awareness – “I’ll Stand by You.”
Prevention Education
Our prevention-education program is an integral part of our work. We focus on educating the public about the prevalence and impact of sexual violence. Through our community education efforts, we hope to increase reporting rates and victim sensitivity. We provide professional trainings to law enforcement, medical personnel, social service agencies, and any other interested community organization or member. We also provide sexual abuse prevention programs in area schools. Our goal is to create a safer school environment for students and staff.
On January 24, 2013, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed Erin’s Law, Public Act 96-1524, which requires all Illinois schools to provide age-appropriate child sexual abuse prevention education annually for students K-12. Freedom House proudly partners with local school districts to provide classroom prevention education that helps schools meet the requirements of Erin’s Law.